Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week of April 2 to April 8


4.6 miles and 700' with Hud at South Mesa. He was tired - but not tired enough to disappear off in the woods chasing some animal. I guess that's his new thing - disappearing on holidays (he disappeared for 15 minutes on Thanksgiving chasing a fox). It was a busy dog day - including a good visit with the 2 German Shepherds and their owner

Week ending Sunday April 08
Hudson 16.6 miles with 1 summit of Green
Chris 33.0 miles with 7,244'


2.1 miles with Hudson at Dry Creek early am

7.1 miles with 900' of gain at Betasso Preserve. Fun mellow run


Met Leadville Chuck for Green Mountain early am. 5.3 miles with 2,344'

"Tennis" with Hudson at the local school at noon before the winds


Hudson set a PR on Green - 1:54:36. 5.7 miles with 2,400'


Dry Creek early am. Ran a bit with another runner and his dog and then Hud got to play with two old pals

Hogback Ridge in the afternoon. Tough today. Legs may be tired from Sunday. 4 miles with 900'


Sunday was 81 - today is 34 with light snow. Took Hud to Dry Creek for the 2.1 mile loop and some "training" as no one was there at 6:20am

Went to Bobolink later in the morning but it was slushy and cold - not motivated enough so bailed


Day off