Half marathon went very well. Woke up early (2:30am) and didn't fall back asleep but had great sleeps all week. Had my lucky shirt on:

Ran a 7:31-mile pace the first half and a 7:36-mile pace the second half for a 1:39:06 - met one of my goals for the year. Woo-hoo! The last time I had looked at my watch was at the 8-mile mark and the time was 1:00:26
It was hot by the end under a blazing sun with no shade in sight - so I grabbed a veggie burger and some cold drinks and headed out. Sadly had to skip the beer tent
Took Hud to the school for a lap with a new buddy of his - Jackson the mutt
Week ending Sunday April 01
Hudson 7.6 miles with 1 summit of Sanitas and many tennis balls
Chris 39.1 miles with 5,672'
Hiked nice and casual up Sugarloaf with Hud at sunrise
Did a few laps at the track to make sure all was good and no minor injuries needed attention. Then some "tennis" with Hud until his tongue was dragging
Hudson 48.9 miles
Chris 154.6 miles with 25,363'
6 Month Total
Hudson 312.6 miles - 62% to his goal of 500 miles
Chris 965.8 miles with 143,830' - a little light for the goal of 2,000 miles but good on the goal of 264,000' elevation gain
Picked up bib, chip, shirt and glass this morning. Since they initially didn't have the shirt and I had to go back later in the day they gave me a free shirt and hat from last year. Nice
Took Hud for a short trot up Bald "Mountain" in the afternoon followed by some "tennis" at the school up the street. This was when we got home. Now he's on the couch snoring

Planned to run Green Mountain with Hud at sunrise - last run before Sunday. We actually got to the trailhead too early - saw one animal go running into the woods as we pulled into the parking lot. Maybe a coyote - bigger and faster than a raccoon
Kept Hud on leash until the sun came up

Not sure - looks like coyote or fox scat

Hud seemed to have a sore front left paw so we called it at 25-minutes. Maybe a mile and a few hundred feet of gain. He still had a good time with the smells of spring and wildlife
I went back after dropping him off and ran Green. 5.3 miles with 2,344' on a fantastic sunny spring morning

Day off but not intentional. Got real busy at work and had to run a number of errands
Did Sanitas with Hud at sunrise. 2.6 miles with 1,357' and Hud got to say "Hi" to several dogs
Decided to do a final long run before cruising into Sunday. Went to Teller Farms - weird day. Got to the parking lot. Too windy for a hat (maybe a constant 25-35MPH) so I wore a winter toque. Too warm for a shirt - left it in the car. 6.15 miles and 52 minutes later at the turnaround I noticed how red I was getting. No problem - will run at a good pace back. Unfortunately the run back was into the wind. 12.3 miles with 694' in 1:47:47 with a mild sunburn - dumbass