Another great sleep and a speedy 2.1 miles with Hud at Dry Creek
Went to Green Mountain for 5.3 miles and 2,344'. Was going to add Flagstaff Mountain at the end but groin was a little sore from biking yesterday
Week ending Sunday April 22
Hudson 11 miles with 1 summit of Sanitas
Chris 45.9 miles with 9,083'
A great sleep and a late start with Hud at Dry Creek. 2.1 casual miles as Hud goofed around with other dogs
14.6 miles of biking after buying a bike. Stops included University Bicycles for a few supplies, the Farmer's Market and Snarf's for subs
A very brisk 2.1 miles with Hud at Dry Creek. While a Green Mountain or Mount Sanitas is more of a challenge for Hud, Dry Creek is a great workout for him. I'll run at a consistent pace and he'll stop to sniff until I'm 50 yards ahead - then he'll sprint top speed 100 yards and this repeats itself for 19 minutes
Was not motivated for an afternoon run but needed to a distance run. 12.3 "easy" miles (as in not particularly fast) at Teller Farms with 694' - it felt like more. I'll toss this run in the "absolutely not fun but very useful" category
Late night last night watching the Vancouver victory so a late start on Green Mountain. Just me - Hud seemed ok with the day off. 5.3 miles with 2,344'
Tennis with Hud in the evening at the local school
Dry Creek with Hudson early. Saw two large Husky-Malamute mixes - Hud gave them the old "back-off" growl. 2.1 miles
Green Mountain after. Near the summit heard a runner about a switchback behind me. Took a look - it was the legend, Anton. I sprinted the rest of the way so he didn't pass me. Barely made it. We chatted a few minutes - no doubt quite a thrill for him.
5.3 miles with 2,344' - my happy day immediately ruined back at the car when I saw how many work e-mails I had from lawyers
A brisk ascent of Mount Sanitas with Hudson - made it to the summit in less than 26 minutes

2.6 miles with 1,357'
Went to Bobolink after work. A brisk 6.75 miles
Took the day off