Hoosier Pass / trail to Mt Silverheels again at sunrise with Hud. Again 42F and 2.1 miles with 350'
Felt better with stretching so went to the Quandary Peak trailhead and ran out-and-back on McCullough Gulch Road. 4.2 miles with 575' at a pain-free jog
Week ending Sunday July 29
Hudson 14.6 miles - a strong week
Chris 28.4 miles with 4,109' - not a strong week
Went to Hoosier Pass with Hud at sunrise. It was 42F. We ran 2 miles with 300' of gain above 11,000' - more goofing around on the trail that goes to Mt Silverheels. Hud ate grass every chance he got

Mellow run/jog with Hud at Dry Creek. 2.1 miles
Run in the drizzle in Alma. 2.7 miles with 150' on a rough County Road - past the rental we stayed in back in September of 2009
Dry Creek with Hud at a brisk pace (sort of) - an 8:30 pace. I notice that each time I run fast I end up in pain. Boooooo!
After the run - which Hud finds boring if he isn't playing with buddies or exploring - he jumped out of the car to say hello (the pic looks foggy due to the humidity)

Dry Creek very early with Hud. 2.1 miles
Green Mountain later in the morning. Much better. Have gone from 2h13m Friday (with a 10 minute chat) to 1h45m Saturday to 1h31m today. Was sore after

Dry Creek with Hud early. 2.1 miles. Hud ran around all crazy with several dogs, especially his pal Trouble. Dick said his daughter and son-in-law were at the Aurora theatre next to the one where the shootings were and a lady 3 seats away got shot through the jaw. Yikes
Dry Creek with Hud early. 2.1 miles
Bobolink at 10am - 3.2 miles and finally cracked a 9-minute mile pace
My Dad wondered if my Bosses ever read. If so, today was another "challenging day" with people who are "challenged"