Awesome sleep - can't wait until vacation. Dry Creek with Hud. We started at 6:15am but not crowded
Red Deer Lake from Dick's Campground. I'll guess 14 miles RT with 1,800' although GPS said 15.6 miles with 1,500' - I don't think GPS is perfect in the woods. It took 4 hours - a mix of jogging and hiking and a short stop under a tree as rain moved through. It was another "stupid day" - we forgot everything (wallets, packs, food for the run). I was fantasizing about food (eggs and crescent rolls) at the Lake and started going off trail to take a short cut back. Thankfully decided to suck it up and go back on the trail - otherwise they'd be sending in the rescue teams about now
Week ending Sunday July 22
Hudson 11.9 miles
Chris 40.2 miles with 7,571' plus 23 miles of biking with 730'
A solid sleep and a run with Hud at Dry Creek. Unfortunately we were early so no one else was there
Went to Green Mountain and a better run than yesterday. Summit in 59 and descent in 46 and no pain. Here's my buddy the chipmunk on the summit

After breakfast Maureen and I were going for a bike ride before the heat (forecast of "low 100s") but - oops! Someone locked us out. Hahaha! Maureen started making calls and waited for the locksmith while I kept going for short rides - 4.6 miles, 5.4 miles, 4.4 miles and 3.8 miles with a total of maybe 600'
Woke at 4am and ran at sunrise with Hud at Dry Creek. We caught up with Tumbles and family for the last half mile
Green Mountain to the Summit for the 54th time. Not fast but not bad. 5.3 miles with 2,300'
45 days to the Breckenridge Half Marathon. Yikes - will not be winning that
Had a 6am work call so Hud and I got to Dry Creek early and ran briskly - finally a sub 10-minute pace. Plus Hud & Tumbles did a very long sprint together
Green Mountain again, same route. Today GPS said it was 1.07 miles with 525' - regardless ran it so should be a good weekend.
Finally made it to Green Mountain. So far ascent & descents were most painful. Today went well - granted it was hiking. 1.25 miles with 554'
Biked to the store after. 4.5 miles with 134'
Oh yeah - work blows. Was up at 3am. Why don't big companies fire bad employees? Actually looked at jobs for the first time in years
1.2 random miles with Hud at Dry Creek. Neither of us were up for running so he wandered around greeting other dogs
Dry Creek with Hud early am. Jogged maybe 70%. 2.1 miles
An actual (slow) run at noon at Walden Ponds. 1.4 miles