Boring day with sciatic nerve issue. Will be on the 3-day disabled list (I hope)
Week ending Sunday July 01
Hudson 6.9 miles - brutal hot week again
Chris 38.0 miles with 6,557' with a Green Mountain summit
3.3 miles and 600' at Betasso with Hud and Maureen at a brisk hiking pace
They then went to Nederland to get milkshakes and donuts while I satyed and did both trails. 7.2 miles with 1,000'. My "sciatic nerve" started hurting the last mile or two which turned into a slow jog. After lunch and the heating pad went to Eldorado Canyon State Park and sat in the cold South Boulder Creek for 20 minutes. May need to take Sunday off which would be sad being Candada Day
Hudson 41.5 miles
Chris 183.4 miles with 29,291'
9 Month Total
Hudson 445.4 miles - 62% to his goal of 500 miles
Chris 1,503.0 miles with 240,140'
Dry Creek. As his "ankle" heals Hud is running more again. Today we did just under a mile but he did a few sprints with Tumbles
Finished a long few weeks of work by calling it a day early. It was 95F. I wanted somewhere shaded - many of those local trails are closed due to the fire. Surprisingly Eldorado Canyon State Park was open so I renewed our annual pass and ran to Walker Ranch and back. 7 miles with 1,000'

I was thinking of a 10-miler in Rollinsville tomorrow but having "sciatic nerve" issues (per the wife, who is not a doctor)
Went to the track with Hud - he seems happy frolicking on the grass especially in the hot weather. 3 laps - including one that he ran alongside me - plus whatever time chasing him around
Mount Sanitas after - 3.4 miles and 1,357'
Stolen race pics. I would buy but it's like $25 each to download
The start line

Before the suffering began

Dry Creek with Hud - it was 77 at 6am so we kept it to 1.1 miles
A busy day at work so headed up late afternoon to Betasso for a mellow 7-mile run but as I arrived this was going on:

I skipped the run after 15 minutes of the electric storm and saw one nasty lightning bolt that was purple, hit the ground and start a fire (that was under control within 2 hours). Rain was heavy on the drive home - bad for driving but good news for the fires
Gave Hud the day off - not sure how his "ankle" is from his running injury Sunday
Met Leadville Chuck at 6:20am for a Green / Flagstff run. We went off trail today and it was like a secret world. A little steeper with a little scrambling. Fun stuff

Bear (?) print

After Green we headed down and cut over to Flagstaff with a woman who joined us. She was amazing - she talked the entire time
We guessed 6.8 miles with 2,700'
And now beloved Bear Peak is on fire
Dry Creek with Hud but he turned around after 0.2 miles. We went to the track instead and he was happy to saunter / occasionally sprint as I did 2 quick laps (slow / fast - although fast wasn't that fast)
Bobolink at 9:30am and it was already blazing. 6.7 flat miles in the heat. Even the prairie dogs looked lazy