Dry Creek with Hud - no day off today. He was tired and had no desire to play with the exuberant Tumbles. A brisk walking pace
20-mile bike ride with 617' after and then an actual run (well, jog would be more accurate). 3.3-miles at an 11:17 pace. Some discomfort but nothing intolerable
Week ending Sunday July 15
Hudson 15.2 miles. A very strong week for Hud
Chris 20.9 miles with 321' - ran less than 5 of those miles. 48 miles of biking with 1,452'
Here's a race in 2 weeks:
Llama Race
Slept in so Dry Creek at 7:15am. Apparently I was there with Grumpus - he's been getting some good miles with his buddies and it was warm as we started later. Maybe a day off for him tomorrow as he has done over 15 miles the past week
Good bike ride later in the morning - according to my MapMyRun app it was 17.69 miles with 580' from home to the other side of the city up Boulder Canyon and back
Did some "dry-land" training and then went to Wonderland for a 2.3-mile run/shuffle/walk with 321' - alternated walking and running every minute but by end was too sore to run. Still, positive
Dry Creek early am. Walked half when Hud took off after a deer - he came back after the chase was lost. Ran into Dick and Trouble then Tumbles. Had a new toy - "MapMyRun" which uses GPS. Specifically we did 2.61 miles with 61' in a horrid 58:08
A short 1.1 mile bike ruide to look at a house then a 9.1 mile bike ride this evening
Dry Creek at 6:30am. 2.1 miles with Trouble & Preston. Hud also met a new pal, a Great Dane. Long debate over how long the loop really is - will use an app on my iPhone tomorrow to confirm
Last night and early am close to no pain but became sore during the walk. No race this weekend
Dry Creek at 5:30am. 2.1 miles at a brisk walk. Saw much of the usual gang. At least Hud is getting his miles
Work is busy and intense and is to be blamed for me waking up at 4:30am. Dry Creek with Hud at 5:30am - walked with Taz the white lab and his people - Hud did some sprints with Tumbles. Saw Preston as we were finishing
Sciatic slooooooowly getting better as I keep it mellow
Was going to skip Dry Creek and rest but Hud was determined. 2.1 miles with Barb & Preston and were later joined by Dick & Trouble. Hud did some good sprints with Trouble
In my non-running/non-hiking/non-mountain climbing boredom sitting on a heating pad, I created a "goal" race plan through Halloween:
07/14 - Allenspark 5K/10K. A small-town race on the way to Estes Park / Long's Peak. Likely a real bad idea for the injury so likely will not happen
07/19 - Not a race but hope all is good to play hooky and do a 14'er with Leadville Chuck in the Breckenridge / Leadville area
07/28 -
Mount Falcon 15K -
Mount Falcon in Morrison is awesome with 2,000' of gain
The weekend of 08/04-05 has 3 great looking races to choose from:
Eldora 10K in Nederalnd at the ski area. I ran a strong race last year - aside from getting lost
Hunky Dory Half Marathon in Breckenridge. Great looking course
Evergreen 5K/10K
08/09 -
Pearl Street Mile is a Thursday night sprint
08/11 -
Woodland Park 10K
08/12 -
Leadville 10K. Love Leadville, hate the company that runs these races
08/16 to 08/19 will be a 3-event weekend
08/16 -
Eldorado Spring 4M was awesome last year -
cold beer and $25 in winnings
08/17 -
Loveland 5K, another night race
08/18 -
Fairplay to Alma 10K - 2 of my favorite towns
08/18 -
Pacing Leadville Chuck again at
Leadville 100
08/19 -
Heart and Sole Half Marathon/10K which we did in 2010
08/25 -
Bergen Peak 20K is an
awesome trail
09/02 -
Breck Crest Half Marathon - my
focus for the year (now with Jemez)
09/08 -
Frisco 2M / 1,500'
09/09 -
Neder Nederland 10K - I won chocolate
last year
09/15 -
Eldorado Springs 4.25M
09/22 -
Estes Park 3.75M. Also known as Running of the Bulls as in Elk, which wander around town
10/07 -
Golden Gallup 5.3M is a great race
10/07 -
Pikes Peak Road Ascent 10K
10/19 -
Loveland 2M
10/21 -
Rudi's Half Marathon
And a double to celebrate Halloween:
10/27 -
Louisville Phantom 4M
10/27 -
Lousiville 5K Monster Dash