A very late night and a very late start combined with driving Mike to the airport meant no run. Hud did get a lot of good tennis in on a much cooler day
Week ending Sunday June 10
Hudson 5.9 miles and some tennis - expected given Mike's visit and two days of high heat
Chris 27.2 miles with 7,942' with three summits
So a low mileage week but good gain. Next week will be a week to focus on distance
Another late night meant sleeping in. Did take Hud to the local school for some tennis ball and a loop. 0.7 miles (Hud gets no credit for chasing tennis balls - it was already over 80)
A quick jaunt to Estes Park so we hit Long's Peak on the way back. We did close to 5 miles RT and maybe 1,400' - here is Mike where we turned around

Day off for Hud in the intense heat (plus late night drinking means no early start)
Mike and I were going to head to the Indian Peaks Wilderness but we didn't get going until the afternoon. We chose Green Mountain - hike up and jog down. 5.3 miles with 2,344'
Dry Creek with Hud - 2.1 miles with Dick and Trouble
Cruised around Western Boulder County with my buddy Mike Brewer in town for a few days. We hiked up Sugarloaf in the afternoon - 1.75 miles with 477'
In the evening we decided to head out on a run from Chautauqua late - after 8pm. Both being stubborn we decided to push on to Royal Arch through the woods in the dark. Amazing views of the city at night. Made it back without injury. 4 miles with 1,377'
Dry Creek with Hud but only 1.0 mile - Hud turned around. Not sure why
Nothing else - work is super busy. Booo!
Dry Creek with Hud. 2.1 miles
A lazy jog up Green Mountain after. Very casual. 5.3 miles with 2,344'

Day off