Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week of June 11 to June 17


Dry Creek with Hud. 2.1 miles and a quick sprint with Tumbles. Prescott was there too. It was already over 60 at 6am and will be another day well over 90

Bear Peak at 7am. Bear is my nemesis. It's steep - 2,000' over the final 1.2 miles - but the final 50 yards coming from the NE is Class 3. Today made it up and down relatively easy with the help of some nice folks, including one guy who I ran back down with to the Mesa. 5.6 miles with 2,381'

Week ending Sunday June 17
Hudson 12.6 miles - half with his Dry Creek buddies
Chris 42.9 miles with 7,974' with three summits


Gave Hud the day off - he needed it

Went to Blue Lakes up in Indian Peaks. A 6.4 mile jog / hike on technical trails with maybe 900' (going above 11,000')


Dry Creek with Hud - he was tired and my ankles are sore from rolling one of them each of the past 5 weeks. 2.1 miles at a lolly-gag pace. Saw Tumbles on the way out


Dry Creek with Dick, Trouble and Sadie. 2.1 miles for me, maybe 10 miles for Hud when you include all his sprinting with the other dogs

Green Mountain in the heat. 5.3 miles with 2,344' and a bear sighting back at the trailhead. Too bad I didn't have a real camera (just the iPhone)


Dry Creek at a brisker pace with Hud as no one else around. 2.1 miles

Bobolink before it got too hot in the mid-morning. 6.7 miles at an 8-minute mile pace


Dry Creek with Hud. 2.1 miles with Tumbles the pit bull mix and his owner

Work was too busy to get another run in. Boooooo!!


Dry Creek with Hud. 2.1 miles with Dick and Trouble

Went to the track in the early morning for a quick set of 4 x 400 (slow / fast / slow / fast). Not terribly impressive - fastest was 1:45

Green Mountain in the late afternoon. 5.3 miles with 2,344'