2.1 miles with Hudson at Dry Creek
More track work in the afternoon. Slow lap / 1:35 / Slow lap / 1:29 / Slow lap / 1:38 / Slow lap / 1:28 / Slow lap
Week ending Sunday January 15
Hudson 15.7 miles with 2 summits
Chris 42.5 miles with 7,058'
Signed up for Frosty's Frozen 10-miler in Littleton - a nice flat race (82') and a nice late start time of 10:15am. Goal is 79:59 or better. Key sponsor is The Melting Pot - hot chocolate fondue is at the finish line!

It seemed Hudson had good energy this morning so I took him to Dry Creek. I was wrong. Slow 2.0 mile walk with three other dogs
I went to the track after for "speed" work. Slow lap / Brisk lap / Slow lap / 6:56 mile / Slow lap. 6:56 is fine given no hamstring pain
Maureen is training for her first half marathon (Jemez in Los Alamos in May) so she wanted to see if Buchanan Pass (her favorite trail run) was runnable. As in snow conditions, given it starts at 8,600'
We had to park just off Peak-to-Peak highway as roads into Indian Peaks are closed during the winter. It was fine the first 3+ miles. After that it became erratic (sudden post-holing) and then comical (falling). Then the trail ended as is no more foot or ski prints to follow. I drifted off-trail and eventually decided to head back (pic below). 9.4 miles and 1,000'

Slow jog with Hudson at Dry Creek am. 2.1 miles
Green Mountain West to Green Mountain summit with Hudson in the afternoon. 2.8 miles with 600'

Day off for Hudson. Hiked / ran Green Mountain from Chautauqua. With 2"-3" of new snow I expected an easy time. Not so. Above 7,000' it was more like 6"-9" new snow with drifts. Coming down was super fun. With new snow and microspikes you can run as fast as possible down hill and it's like skiing. I fell on my ass twice. Haha! 5.8 miles with 2,744'
In a light but steady snow at sunrise Hudson and I hiked / ran Mount Sanitas. His first time and he was a champ. 2.6 miles and 1,357' in under an hour

Hudson declined the early morning run (?) so I went to Mount Sanitas. Tried to make the summit before the moon set to get a sweet pic of it over the mountains, but missed. Not only that - there would have been trees in the way
New ascent PR - 23:58. 3 minutes and 59 seconds to goal. Hahaha! This run already makes me nauseous
Did the full loop. Still icy on the NE section. 3.1 miles and 1,357'
At the parking area this is the WORST smelling outhouse. I think the city has forgotten it's there

Hudson was all set when I got home with breakfast so we did 2 miles at Dry Creek
After work did a brisk run at Teller Farms. 4.2 miles in 34:16. It was busy on the trail as you can see below

It was 59F today and tomorrow we'll get 3" snow with temps hitting 9F
2.1 miles with Hudson at Dry Creek. Awesome full moon over the Rockies