Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week of May 14 to May 20


A normal sleep last night. Went to Monsignor Patrick Smith park with Hud. He was pretty excited to be on cool green grass. Hit tennis balls for 15 minutes and were going to head out when old friends from last July showed up - Sadie the Burmese Mountain dog and her owner. Hud and Sadie played a little before heading to the creek and waded around 10 minutes before Hud started ignoring me and harassing dogs on leash (it wasn't an off-leash park)

Went to Dale Ball Trails later in the morning and did a relaxing 3.75 miles with 400' - the Dale Ball Trails are awesome

Week ending Sunday May 20
Hudson 8.5 miles with a Sanitas summit. Hud is bitter he gets no credit for non-structured runs - like the sprints with Trouble and Sadie (from Boulder) on Thursday or today chasing tennis balls. I told him life is tough

Chris 31.5 miles with 4,825' and half-marathon #2


Yet another restless night of sleep - 4.2 hours

Will do a race report next week but it went well. The punishing course was 13.7 miles with 2,723' of gain, topping out at 8,800'. And it was hot. Finished in 2:18:23 - good for a 10:06 pace and 32nd out of maybe 200-220

Maureen's race also went well - her first half marathon and she chose a brutal one. Here she is at the finish


Restless night of sleep - 4.75 hours

Took today off work and am relaxing and "carbing up" (i.e. eating lots - yogurt, protein bar, blueberry pancakes, quiche, chocolate cake, veggie chicken sandwhich with cheese and tomato, smoothie and a few manicotti stuffed shells)

Not much grass at the house so took Hud for a short half mile trot in the evening. He was pretty bitter I bothered him on his day off


Took Hud to Dry Creek before we began the drive to Santa Fe. We did our 2.1 mile loop and ran into Dick, Trouble and Sadie (his daughter's 14-week old puppy) back at the trailhead. We joined them for another 20 minutes of all dogs chasing and zipping. Hud is beat

Picked up our race stuff in Los Alamos and cruised around. Very nice technical shirts


Went to Mount Sanitas at dawn for two reasons; i) tire Hudson out for the drive and ii) test the ankle on a real mountain. After 10 minutes took the "bandage brace" off as my foot was turning blue. After the summit put it back on after stretching it so it
"ripped" a few times - much better. 2.6 miles and 1,357'


Dry Creek with Hud. Taped the ankle and no pain. Hud ran his third fastest 2.1 mile loop out of 92 times at a 7:52 pace

Bought an ankle "bandage brace" and tried it out at Marshall Mesa. It worked very well although when I took it off I could see how tight it was. The run gave a lot of confidence that the ankle will not be an issue assuming I don't do anything stupid. 4.8 miles with 300' of gain on a very technical trail (super rocky) at an 8:31 pace

Watched this tonight - great movie


After spending Sunday with ice and pillows, gave the ankle several short test runs. The first was with Hud at dawn - a little over 7 minutes of mostly walking at Dry Creek.

Worked for AT&T in the comfy chair all morning so I could keep icing and keep it elevated. Went to Bobolink in the afternoon and was able to jog for an easy half mile with no pain. Good news

I wanted to try was hills but resisted the urge to be stupid and simply ran up and down the driveway three times