Went with Hudson to Green Mountain. No intention of a summit as a chain on my microspikes broke last weekend and I haven't fixed it. Maybe 1.4 miles and 750'. I can tell when Hudson is tired - today he endlessly barked at everyone he saw
White Ranch in late morning. 9 miles and 1,750'
Week ending Sunday March 18
Hudson 11.7 miles
Chris 50.4 miles with 8,210'
After an awesome 10 hour sleep went with Hudson up to Sugarloaf Mountain - a new summit for him. He's quite proud

It's not exactly Green Mountain - 1.8 miles with 477' but the summit is over 8,900'. After goofing around for awhile we did an additional 2 miles on the Switzerland Trail
Later ran on Magnolia Road which apparently is where Olympians train for the elevation (8,600') and it's a relatively flat quiet dirt road. Just as I was about to start the run a guy drove up and asked if we had seen his 3 coonhounds who had taken off chasing a mountain lion. Poor guy

3.4 miles with 200'
Gave Hudson the day off. After work (1:30pm) went to South Mesa and ran to Chautauqua and back. It was an amazing day - 76 and sunny, but 70% of the run is through woods. The trail is pretty "technical" - which I think means rocky. I was dead at the end 2:47 later. It was 13.4 miles with 2,700' - exactly the Los Alamos half marathon in 2 months
Went with Hudson to Mount Sanitas but he was having none of that after 5 miles yesterday. So we drove 4 miles west up Sunshine Canyons and did the much easier Bald "Mountain" - 1.5 miles and 230'
After being irritated by work for several hours went to Hogback Ridge on a perfect day - sunny and 68. 4 miles with 900'
Was going to go with Hudson and do Mount Sanitas but slept in until 7am. We went to South Mesa instead - 5 miles with 450' in 53:52 - a Hudson PR. Hud saw those two large German Shepherds - the largest was indifferent but the other gave a snarl and bark but all was good
Met Leadville Chuck at Marshall Mesa. We headed along Community Ditch to Doudy Draw and over to South Mesa and did Towhee Trail to Shadow Canyon. 8.94 miles per Chuck's Garmin watch and I'll guess 600'. Good times, great day off work
Day off as not too much sleep and a team presentation at work. Felt guilty
Day off