Teller Farms with Hudson. 4 miles and a little "training" - he got maybe 40 "good boy"s and 15 "Hudson!"s as the trail goes through cows. Strangely he wasn't too interested except in the smells
Mount Falcon in Morrison in the late morning. 9.1 miles with 2,480'
Week ending Sunday March 11
Hudson an awesome 17.3 miles with - not that he's counting - 4,151' and two summits
Chris 50.2 miles with 7,625'
Hudson and I woke up at 5:30am to hit Green Mountain. Trail conditions sucked for a fast time - stretches of dry and stretches of ice with a layer of melted water from the sun to make it slippery. Not a big deal - we were out for a good time. 5.7 miles and 2,344' - Hud's 8th Green summit

Wrapped up work early so went to Teller Farms and did a 12.3 mile run with 694' of rolling hills. Sunny and warm
Sunny morning and 20F so Hudson and I hit the Mesa Trail. 5 miles with 450'. Highlights included Hud playing with a Great Dane and me falling on my ass. Some of the shaded stretches up in the flatirons were steep and very icy. Not sure why Hud looks like he's tipping over

Not a good sleep and a 12-hour work day. Toss in some freezing rain and all-day fog. That's enough excuses to justify a day off
Awesome morning; sunny and 50 at 7am as Hudson and I started Mount Sanitas. Felt (and Hudson looked with tongue hanging out) as though Sanitas was kicking our ass but Hudson set a record - 2.6 miles and 1,357' in 50:39
Marshall Mesa area in the afternoon for a 4.8 mile run with 300'. It was over 70 degrees

Day 6 since the teeth were removed so I can run again. 6.7 lazy fun flat miles on the Bobolink trail. It was awesome - after 2 weeks of rain in Seattle it was 65 with a blazing sun. I passed through a few hundered grazing cows - including 25 baby cows - and a prairie dog colony and saw a deer
Hud had the day off as he was tired from standing the entire 21 hour drive to Boulder, staring bitterly out the window
Got the results from The Smelt Run 10K - 22 out of 165. Even made the photo section from the start line. Handsome devil...