With excellent conditions at Green Mountain I was hoping for a good time. Another cold morning although it rarely feels as cold as the temperature says (9F today)
Was disciplined as far as what sections I ran or hiked. Made the summit in 47:15 which is good, ~3 minutes off my best. No summit log (WTF!) so took an obligatory photo and was on my way down with the goal of setting a personal record
When dry the descent is a rocky 3 miles that requires focus and decisions. Now it is a 2,344' run down with abandon. What took 30 minutes in the fall took 23:14 today. The final two miles I apparently ran at a 6:30 pace. Ta da! Personal Record of 1:12:58. Woo-hoo!
Week ending Sunday February 12
Hudson 14.4 miles with 1 summit
Chris 43.4 miles with 5,448'
No plans but Hudson seemed ready - so went to Green Mountain. Figured we'd goof around a bit but - despite the 6F again - we ended up summiting. 5.7 miles and 2,344' in fresh snow

Signed up for the 10K "Smelt Run" in La Conner, WA in 2 weeks. Sea Level!
Had a dream I was running a half marathon and started 5 minutes late. And I couldn't run fast
Dry Creek with Hudson. 2.1 fast miles - our second fastest time. It was 6F
Went to sign up for a Half Marathon Sunday in Arvada but it's sold out. Boo!
A long week at work - so took off at 1pm and did a 14 mile run with 250' - longest run next to pacing Leadville Chuck for 22 miles at the Leadville 100 last summer. Below is the turn-around point

Dry Creek with Hudson. 2.1 miles
It was 12F at sunrise so we delayed our run. Hudson and I ran at Stazios Ballfields late morning. 1.6 miles at a leisurely pace
Work is busy but made it out in the afternoon to do the Doudy Draw / Flatirons Vista out-and-back. The snow is still not good for running - soft and deep. 6.75 miles with 560' and 1 wipe-out. Tough but fun

2" of new snow. Took Hudson to Stazios Ballfields to run the path. The city was actually plowing as we were there - which did not please Hudson ("monsters"). 1.3 generally frolicking miles
A silly day at work so took Hudson to Dry Creek at noon for a 1.55 mile spin. He played with several good dogs
Late afternoon went to buy a new pair of road running shoes. Tried them out at Stazios. Did a lazy warm-up jog followed by running as fast as was sustainable for just over 7 minutes. Per Google Maps "beta version" I ran 1.1 miles which would be a 6:24 pace. Maybe. No hamstring pain which is excellent
Day Off