Hudson and I ran a lazy 2.9 miles on the Snoqualmie Valley Trail in Carnation
Went back to the Snoqualmie Valley Trail in the afternoon, picking it up in Fall City. 7.0 miles on a snowy afternoon

Week ending Sunday February 26
Hudson 4 miles
Chris 29.2 miles with 200'
Disappointing week - but not a disaster
Woke up at 7am to head to La Conner. No sound of rain - good. Or maybe not:

In La Conner 70 miles away there was barely a light drizzle and it was cool and windy. Fun race and a good run. 10K in 43:46. I was at a 6:38 pace after 2 miles but could not keep up, finishing at 7:02. Results TBD
Day off. Bad week. Rain - not an excuse as much as demotivating
Day off. Dentist and work
Day off. Work was busy and the weather sucked
1.1 miles with Hudson from house to a trail in the Preserve. Light rain
6.0 miles in Watershed Preserve in Redmond - in the rain. More challenging was the trail-wide puddles
6.0 miles on Watershed Preserve in Redmond - just a short trot from the house. It was nice being back in a rainforest-like setting. Hud had the day off, relaxing from being in the car all weekend