Hud and I went to Teller Farms for a change. 4.2 miles - mostly hiking, some jogging
Buchanan Pass late morning. 9.6 easy miles with 1,000' of gain on a great fall day
Week ending Sunday September 23
Hudson 18.4 miles with 4 trips to the pool. A spectacular week
Chris 45.9 miles with 3,687' with 1 summit (Caribou) plus a good race. An excellent weekend salvaged a poor week
So Hudson & I start our year on October 1 - one week left. The 2012 goal for Hudson was 500 miles - he hit 600 today. My goal was 2,000 miles with 50 miles of gain (264,000'). I'm at over 58 miles but with 1,963.6 miles need an injury-free week. Sounds easy but I keep rolling my left ankle (3 times Saturday alone)
1.8 miles at Dry Creek with Shelly a black lab and her people who threw tennis balls for Hud - he ended up doing a mile with a ball in his mouth
Drove up to Estes Park for the Running of the Bulls 3.75 mile race. Had low expectations as had a relatively unhealthy week but ended up coming in 6th out of 225 at a 7:03 pace. Woo-hoo!
Went to Indian Peaks after and summitted Caribou Peak - bought a book on random mountains last week so gave this a try. It was a 9.4-mile RT with 2,640' gain - topping out at 12,310'. Great run / hike with amazing views. Maureen took a wrong turn and ended going up Rainbow Lakes trail
2.1 miles at Dry Creek with Tumbles
Took Hud to the pool in the afternoon - a good day with good dogs
1.4 miles at Dry Creek with Hud
Took Hud to the pool at 4:30pm but Scott Carpenter himself was there for a re-dedication ceremony. No parking available so we took the day off swimming
Went back over to Gunbarrel / Twin Lakes. I ran maybe 2.5 miles while Maureen and Hudson went for a walk
3 miles at Dry Creek. A little jogging for me - Hud hung out with a lot of friends today, including Preston (pictured below)

Took Hud to the Scott Carpenter pool again. He's soooo tired with 8 miles so far this week and and maybe 2.5 hours at the pool. He was definitely the crabbiest dog at the pool
Ran 5K in Gunbarrel / Twin Lakes - checking out the neighbourhood of a house we're thinking about. Ankle was all good. Ran 2 miles with some guy Kenny who lived in the area. There is also a brewery and a gourmet grilled cheese truck in the area - that's definitely a bonus

Dry Creek with Hud. A brisk 2.1 mile loop - Hud had enough energy to do some sprints with Tumbles and a young black lab
Back to the pool for 40 minutes and a little more time in the water (like 5 minutes)

After 50 consecutive weeks of PR e-mails promising endless schwag I guess I'll sign up for Rudi's Organic Half Marathon in October. Foot is good enough to start running again tomorrow but likely not good enough to head up to Estes Park this weekend for the Running of the Bulls 3.75 mile race

Dry Creek with Hud. Did close to 3 miles walking - maybe foot isn't sprained just sore. Finally saw Dick & Trouble - was worried. He had some sort of "-itis" and was hobbling badly. While walking with Barb and Preston, Barb said if I died on the trail she would steal my Canada sweartshirt. Just an FYI - in case I "die" on the trails
Today is the beginning of 2 weeks of Dog Days at Scott Carpenter Park! We bought the $35 pass

After 3 miles and an hour at the pool Hud was out - snoring all day and all night